Memberships and Programming

  • $125 + HST/month

    Facility access during open hours.

    Best value for someone who knows what they want to do in the gym and wants a clean open space to do it. Includes mentorship from one of our coaches to help with questions about programming, technique, or lifestyle choices.

  • $185 + HST/month

    $125 + HST/month (2 Classes/Week)

    This is a great option for someone who loves working out in a group and following specific programming under the watchful eyes of one of our trainers. Includes access to any HAP classes.

    *Does not include open gym time.

  • $250 + HST/month

    Do you want to come and crush a 6AM class and then come back later in the afternoon to crush a solo session in the weightroom or hop on a bike or treadmill for some extra cardio? Then this membership is for you, giving you access to all of our classes as well as our wide ranging facility open gym hours.

  • $250 + HST

    Does a membership not give you enough flexibility for your busy life? Class passes may be for you. Access to 10 classes, whenever it fits in your schedule, with no expiration date!

  • $75 + HST

    Open gym membership before 7am and after 7pm on weekdays, and anytime on weekends.

    For those who love those early morning or late night workouts.

  • Class: $30 + HST

    Open Gym: $20 + HST

    Options for those who don’t know what the future holds, but still want to come out and throw down when the moment is just right!